Когда был на выставке и толкался среди карпятников - меня проняло: а что бы было, если бы хотя бы 10-я часть из них забирала рыбу? Не было бы рыбы. Вообще.
Возвращаясь к безопасности рыбы: вот наткнулся на правила водоёма в Англии. Переведу на днях для всех
1) DAILY TARIFF MONEY to be paid BEFORE leaving the car park
2) Barbless hooks at ALL times. No treble hooks. NO EXCEPTIONS. NB: Micro barbed or crushed hooks are not classified as barbless hooks
3) No wire to be used
4) No mainline braid to be used, including Fireline on site
5) No lead core
6) Landing nets (50 inch minimum) will be ready before fishing commences
7) Landing nets and weigh slings to be dipped before fishing
8) Sparingly used “loose feed” and ground bait allowed
9) Unhooking mats must be used at all times
10) Only weigh slings to be used for weighing fish
11) No retaining fish at any time
12) Two rods only in the water at any time
13) All fish to be returned immediately after weighing
14) No rod to be left unattended in any circumstances
15) Fishing area as pegged, no fishing in the area of the Boathouse
16) No fishing from islands or boats. There should be at least 10 metres clear water between each pitch
17) Restricted bait use — no particle bait, except sweetcorn, hemp and pellets. No artificial baits of any description
18) No live/dead baiting between September-March
19) No pike fishing
20) No swimming or wading.
21) No walking on ice
22) No litter whatsoever, bins are provided
23) Anyone found fishing illegally will be reported to the police
24) Punts and boats used only by the Management or allowed by Management
25 )No abuse or damage to wildlife and shrubs
26) No dogs allowed
27) No alcohol, allowed on the premises
28) Stock ponds are out of bounds for fishing
29) No radios, cassettes or open fires
30) At all times treat neighbours with respect
31) All vehicles to be parked in the car park
32) A five mile an hour speed limit is imposed everywhere on the site, including the long drive
33)Hours of fishing and tariffs as posted in the office
34) Anything abnormal to be reported to the Office
35) Any problems regarding fish should be reported to the Office e.g. dead fish, fungus etc.
36) Record all catches in the Record Book, specimen fish to be witnessed
37) An Environment Agency Licence to be owned and obeyed
38) No responsibility will be accepted for loss, damage, injury or death etc., however caused
39) Final ruling rests with the Fishery
40) Any subject not covered in the Rules are at the sole discretion of Alan Etherington